Skin beauty tips for women. Let natural foods support your overall beauty.

I have a confession to make: ladies with beautiful skin each have their own secrets. But why do we hide these secrets from each other? Is it so important to appear better than someone else?

Here is a collection of beauty tips from different cultures worldwide. These tips have been passed down for centuries. However, in recent times, people were more focused on the future and less interested in what the past had to offer. Thankfully, that is slowly changing.

skin beauty

Wakame Kelp

Wakame Kelp is a type of seaweed is considered annoying by some, but enjoyed for its flavor and texture by others. It has been traditionally used in Japan and other parts of Asia for medicinal purposes, particularly in treating various skin problems. Over time, it became known as a “beauty preserver” in Japan. Medical assessments have shown that wakame kelp is highly nutritious, containing a significant amount of healthy substances. All types of kelp are rich in nutrients and vitamins, particularly calcium, iron, and potassium. However, wakame specifically contains fifteen times more calcium than a similar serving of milk. Additionally, it is one of the few plant foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Babassu and Maracuja

These fruits are from Brazil and they are derived from the tree and the passion fruit. Women with beautiful skin have used them for various reasons. Maracuja is rich in fatty acids that give a velvety and soft feeling to the face. It regulates the production of natural oils, preventing the skin from becoming too dry or too oily. Babassu, on the other hand, is a gentle natural wax that soothes and softens the skin, resulting in a soft feeling. It also creates a barrier that keeps dirt and grime out of the pores. It has been proven to have benefits in reducing eczema, extreme dryness, and inflammation. As you may know, persistent inflammation is one of the causes of an aged appearance.

Grape Seed Oil

This oil originates from Italy and is a main by-product of wine manufacturing. It can be used for baking, cooking, and as a salad dressing. Women with beautiful skin use it as a lotion to repair sun damage and as a lip balm. Unlike petroleum-based oils, it closely resembles the skin’s natural oils, making it easily absorbed without causing greasiness. The oil possesses healing and restructuring properties and also exhibits autooxidizing activity, which helps prevent and repair molecular damage, a major cause of aging.


Women have been utilizing honey from around the globe for centuries due to its antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Among the most potent varieties is Manuka honey, which originates from New Zealand. The best anti-aging creams include Manuka honey along with other tips mentioned here, and more. Discuss it with your friends as we would appreciate any support we can get.